Home2021July (Page 49)

‘Merit’. It seems to reflect a neutral benchmark to ensure that everyone gets what he/she deserves. However, we need to ask ourselves, is merit neutral in reality? This question becomes all the more important today when the entire teaching-learning-evaluation process has gone online in this

‘Merit’. It seems to reflect a neutral benchmark to ensure that everyone gets what he/she deserves. However, we need to ask ourselves, is merit neutral in reality? This question becomes all the more important today when the entire teaching-learning-evaluation process has gone online in this

‘Merit’. It seems to reflect a neutral benchmark to ensure that everyone gets what he/she deserves. However, we need to ask ourselves, is merit neutral in reality? This question becomes all the more important today when the entire teaching-learning-evaluation process has gone online in this

ABSTRACT: The libertarian nonaggression principle (NAP) enjoins us from messing with other people or their property. This means that theft (removing owned items from the control of their proper owners) is not acceptable. Major libertarian writers (Murray Rothbard, Walter Block) have however opined that if